What Is the Incoterm DAP (Delivered At Place)?
DAP is an international trade term that describes an agreement where the seller agrees to take on a majority of the transport responsibility. Under the DAP incoterm, sellers have to cover all costs and assume liability for the goods until they are delivered to a specified location in the destination country. Unlike in DPU (Delivered at Place Unloaded), using DAP does not require the seller to unload the goods at this point.
Key features of DAP
Here are the core features of the DAP incoterm:
Seller’s responsibilities under DAP
The seller is responsible for the majority of the transport under DAP rules. They must prepare and mark the goods for export, obtain the required licenses, and take care of all export formalities. They must prepare the commercial invoice and arrange for pre-carriage to the terminal.
The seller also has to arrange for the main transport to the destination country, covering pre-shipment inspection charges, and onward carriage to the agreed-upon place. This includes covering all loading costs until the final point. In addition, the seller must provide proof of delivery after the goods reach the destination.
Buyer’s responsibilities under DAP
Once the goods reach the agreed-upon destination, the buyer is responsible for unloading them. They must pay for the goods as mentioned in the trade agreement. Although the seller arranges for transport to the named location, the buyer is responsible for import duties, taxes, customs clearance, and pre-shipment inspection charges (for import clearance).
If the agreed-upon location is not the final point of delivery, the buyer has to arrange and pay for further transportation.
Point of delivery and risk transfer
The seller must cover all costs and assume responsibility for the goods until they are made available at the agreed-upon location. From unloading the goods at that point to the final delivery location, the buyer assumes all costs and risks.
Advantages of DAP
Benefits to the seller
Simplified logistics planning with no buyer involvement
Flexibility to choose the most appropriate carriers, minimizing seller costs
No responsibility to unload goods at the agreed-upon point
No requirement to provide insurance for the transport
Clear demarcation of responsibility to the point of delivery at the agreed-upon location
Simplified payment verification with a clear point of fulfillment
Benefits to the buyer
Minimal involvement in logistics planning, maximizing convenience
Bearing no responsibility for the goods until delivery at the agreed-upon point
Improved cost clarity with clear delineation of responsibility
Disadvantages of DAP
Challenges for the seller
Potential transport complications, having to navigate the majority of the logistics
Bearing responsibility for the goods until they reach the agreed destination point
Handling all export documentation, taxes, and duties
Challenges for the buyer
Managing unloading at the point of delivery
Potential for inflated costs with no control over logistics
Handling all import documentation, taxes, and duties
When to use DAP
DAP is suitable for multimodal transport requiring complex logistics. It increases efficiency by centralizing responsibility with the seller. Sellers can opt for this incoterm when they prefer to handle the entire logistics and have a robust infrastructure.
Buyers often choose this incoterm when they wish to minimize administrative burden and associated risk. Buyers with little to no logistics experience often find DAP beneficial.
What is an example of DAP shipping?
A buyer in Los Angeles, California enters into a DAP agreement with a seller in Seoul, South Korea to purchase electronic components. The Port of LA is the mutually agreed delivery point. In this arrangement, the seller must arrange and pay for the transport of goods from their warehouse to the Port of LA.
Once the goods arrive at the port, the responsibility is transferred to the buyer who may then arrange for any further transportation.
Who pays duty in DAP incoterm?
Under DAP, the buyer is responsible for paying any import duties, taxes, and customs fees upon arrival of the goods at the named place. The seller handles the export duties and other formalities.
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